This write-up is addressing the people who have chosen automobile insurance as a cover up for any possible misadventure on the road while driving. If you are behind the wheels without having signed up for insurance, we urge you to opt for one as fast as humanly possible. Be mindful of the fact that car insurance in UAE is obligatory just like other developed countries around the world. You might run into hefty penalties if get caught up roaming your car without insurance in Dubai.
We are sure that most of the car owners in Dubai are familiar with the urgency and the compelling benefits of car insurance. However, with so many similar insurance services providers in the market, we believe that there is lack of understanding and a consistent knowledge gap among consumers with regards to which insurance scheme to opt for. As you go down the post, it will help you get familiar with so many details that are associated with claiming the best car insurance in Dubai.

If you already have know-how about how car insurance schemes work, that’s great. However, for those who are new in town, it is important to know that every insurance scheme provides a full package of multiple substitute services and it is up to you to figure out which one to claim based on your ability to pay monthly premiums. It is highly advised that you must thoroughly check in to the insurance services provider policy, terms and conditions before making your claim.
Mostly, car insurance entities provide a range of cover-ups that are:
Car Repair Services
Car repair is on top of the list for every reliable car insurance company. Upon running to an incident that may incur minor or major damage to your car, the traffic authorities undertake a thorough investigation of scene and figure out the guilty party. If the incident happened at no fault of yours, you can file for the costs incurred for the car repair. As per the law, the other party is obliged to pay the cost. However, if it is your fault, the insurance company that you have opted for will cover up the cost of the damage. You may be curious to know how much an insurance company can provide, luckily we have it covered for you in our other blog what is insurance excess that you may find helpful to know how much an insurance company can stretch in terms of paying the cost.
Medical Expenses
Nothing comes first than your well-being. That’s why many insurance companies usually allocate maximum amount of funds for covering up medical expenses. However, the maximum amount one can get depends on which insurance policy you have selected. Certain insurance policies charge higher premiums so that they can provide higher medical expense in revert in case of a prolong treatment, physical therapy and regular checkups with physicians is required.
Property Damage
The impact of car collision can cause damage to nearby property, such as hitting a fence or a building that can incur additional cost. That’s why you need to have a reliable insurance company on your back whose insurance plan does include such expenses on you behalf. If you have opted for this type of service within your insurance policy, the company is entitled to take care of the property damage expenses.
Loss of Earnings
In case of fatal injuries that may prevent you from returning to you work or business, you can file claim for the loss of earnings. Please not that not every insurance company can provide earning coverage. However if the company you opt for do provide such coverage, you need to make sure you subscribed to it in order avail the service.
Emergency Road Service
While be on the road, a lot of unexpected things can happen. It may be a in the form of having a flat tire, tire burst, oil leakage, or any other dysfunction. Upon meeting such occasion, you are entitled to call your insurance company for an emergency service provision. Typically it includes onsite repair or towing your car to the nearby workstation. If the insurance company has no such service to offer, you can call off any third party service provider such as PitStop-Arabia’s emergency road services to drag you out of the trouble.
Summing up
Having car insurance is highly important in country like Dubai. The aim of this post is to educate people about various insurance plans many companies offer that included and not limited to car repair, medical expense coverage, property damage coverage, loss of earnings and emergency road service. Your insurance company will compensate the incurred cost as per your subscription to their different plans in the insurance policy.
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Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Benefits of Vehicle Insurance Coverage then visit our Automobile category.