People who wear contact lenses for a longer duration of time eventually suffer from the dryness of the eyes and this is quite common. But in certain cases, the symptoms become extremely worse! Usually people with sensitive eyes or who are suffering from dry eye syndrome do not prefer to wear contact lenses. They prefer wearing premium spectacles to avoid worsening of the dry eyes syndrome. But now contact lenses are made of advance breathable material like silicone hydrogel that retains the essential moisture of the eyes and allows more oxygen to pass through the flexible membrane. Thanks to the advance technologies available now. This blog will let you know how to prevent dryness of the eyes while wearing monthly disposable transparent contact lenses and also makes you aware of the necessary steps to be taken to reduce the symptoms and enjoy wearing contact lenses without any fear.
What are the common symptoms of dry eyes?

The lacrimal glands located at the lateral region of each eye orbit secretes tears, which lubricates our eyes and prevent them from dehydration. But if we are wearing contact lenses for longer durations, it will interfere with the glands’ ability to secret tears and prevent them from lubricating the eyes properly. In such a situation, your eyes feel dry and exhausted at a later time. The most common symptoms of dry eyes are:
- Burning or itchy sensation in or around the eyes
- Stringy, white eye discharge in response to the irritation
- Eyes become more sensitive to light and you feel difficulty while driving
- Redness of the eyes by the end of the day
- Stinging sensation as if something is there in your eyes
- Pain or uneasiness while wearing contact lenses
Of course, the symptoms of dry eyes vary from person to person, for example, people with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and other diseases related to the eyes are more vulnerable to dry eyes as compared to others. If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately consult your ophthalmologist for medical supervision, otherwise it may lead to eye inflammation and even corneal abrasion or ulcer. They will refer suitable eye care products that will help you in continuing wearing the contact lenses. Only eye experts can find a better solution in this situation and never try to treat it by yourself by doing self-medication.
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The best contact lenses for dry eye syndrome

Experts recommend people with chronic dry eyes to switch from ‘hard lenses’ to ‘soft lenses’ that are specially designed to preserve moisture and allow oxygen to permeate through the lens so that your eyes breathe without drying out! Hard lenses generally have additives, preservatives, lubricants and other surface treatments to which you might be allergic! Many brands like Acuvue, Alcon, DAILIES, Air Optix, Bausch and Lomb, CooperVision and Freshlook have come up with avant-garde technologies that utilize advance material that retains water content and keep your eyes moisturized. To ensure a comfortable feel, buy these specialized lenses after consulting with an eye expert.
What else can be done to prevent chronic dry eyes?
Eye drops are “artificial tears” that are very effective in moisturizing the dry eyes and prevent irritation. They are obtainable with or without a prescription. Certain contact lens solutions and lubricants can also prevent chronic dry eye syndrome. But make sure that they are compatible with the type of contact lenses you are wearing. Besides, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and they can also help in increasing tear production. Take necessary dietary supplements or eat foods that are the richest sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.