Impact of the Internet on World
The internet has altered the course of history. It has had a significant impact on communication, effectively turning the world into a global village by allowing people to connect easily and rapidly. The internet has also influenced business practices by changing traditional methods of buying and selling. Put simply, e-commerce is the use of the internet to enter into contracts by electronic means.
In Europe, figures show that most countries’ internal e-commerce markets are expanding, with an increasing number of e-shoppers using the internet to buy products and services on a regular basis.
France, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom have the largest number of people aged 16 to 74 who use the internet to place orders for products and services. Although national e-commerce businesses are thriving, there is a clear disparity in the development of cross-border customer e-commerce.
According to a study on cross-border e-commerce in the EU, while customer e-commerce is booming at the national level across Europe, it is still uncommon for customers to buy products and services from other EU countries over the internet. In a 2006 survey, the European e-commerce market was estimated to be worth 106 million Euros.
Cross-border e-commerce and the internet has untapped potential for empowering not only member countries’ economies but also customer base by providing them with a variety of choices and prices.

Transformation of World in Global village trough Internet
“I don’t fear the computers,” as the saying goes. I’m worried about the lack of them.” People nowadays are afraid of living in a world without technology or high-tech devices. How many of us would have passed the time if we had this lockout ten years ago by playing snakes on our Nokia 1100 phones?
Isn’t it impossible to imagine life even without the internet or technology? It’s as if our whole lives are hinged on this. Since we have all we need at the click of a button, the improvements in technology in today’s world have made it look smaller than it really is.
Globalization and the internet
Globalization and the internet have led to the perception that our planet has shrunk significantly. Globalization has been divided into three stages.
First Phase of globalisation
The first step began in the late 16th century when many adventurers from all over the world set out to discover new lands in order to enrich and glorify their home countries.
People like Christopher Columbus wanted to share their culture and way of life with the rest of the world. In 1800, the first period of globalisation came to an end.
The second phase of globalisation
The second phase of globalisation began shortly after the first phase ended in the early 1800s. This period lasted 200 years, during which time many emerging innovations and means of transport were developed.
Third Phase of Globalisation
Finally, the third stage of globalisation began at the turn of the millennium, in the year 2000, and is still ongoing. New computer programs and hand-held phones were developed, all of which comprise all of the world’s information. Who knows what new technology and scientific advances will be available at the touch of a button perhaps at the drop of a hat as the third stage of globalisation comes to a close.
The majority of people believe that globalisation would be beneficial to the planet. This allows for international cooperation. However, a sizable portion of the population believes that globalisation would have a negative effect. To sum up, everybody has a positive and negative side. Technology is also a boon as much as it is our servant; but, when it becomes our lord, it becomes a liability.
Living Standard Improvement
The Internet has made life much easier for us and raised our living standards because customers now have more chance to buy high-quality products at the right price in the right place with no constraints on the goods. Also, we can now be done without much hassle from the comfort of our own homes, increasing the quality of life for people all over the world. Now every internet user can check how fast his/her internet is by using Etisalat internet speed test in just one single click.
Globalization and the internet have welcomed transformation in countries like India, Nigeria, and others that were previously economically stagnant, as well as increased diversity in all fields, resulting in new ideas and solutions to issues that were previously unsolved.
Apart from that if you want to know about world after Covid-19 then please visit our Technology category.