An overview of Aarakocra’s life
The Aarakocra is a bird-like humanoid with feathered wings and a beak, and a pair of feathered hands. When seen from below, Aarakocras resemble large birds with long legs and talons. There were no separate arms and wings of Aarakocra; nearly half of the branches were covered by their hands, with only a fourth finger remaining. Aarakocra is found worldwide to have bright-colored plumage, often red, yellow, or orange. Females are duller and have brown or gray plumage. The heads and plumage of Aarakocra differ from tribe to tribe.
Individuality and alignment
Once airborne, Aarakocra prefers to float on thermals for many hours and days; this may extend to months on their home planet. Once atop a thermal, it’s difficult for Aarakocras to return to the ground. Aarakocra’s ideology is to live a nomadic life unburdened by earthly constrictions. They believe in using only what they need but leaving any leftovers for others. It is common for them to casually steal food from farms due to their lack of sense of property. In the same way, Aarakocra is not interested in material wealth, but they may decorate their homes with jewelry or coins in exchange for jewels. They don’t understand political boundaries and aren’t interested in relations with other races.
They see ground-dwelling races with contempt but tolerate elves (except gray elves with whom they are good friends) and drow (who live underground), disapprove of dwarves (since they live underground, and dislike half-orcs). To mimic a bird, Aarakocra tends its feathers frequently and prefers to land near a body of water they can use as a bath. Aarakocra can also ignore or forget vertical distances. Aarakocra is afraid of confinement and of being trapped beneath the earth. The majority will not enter caves, buildings, or enclosed areas unless they have no choice. Even those Aarakocra that claim they don’t fear enclosed spaces may become abnormally quiet; once in combat, they may collapse into reckless violence, paralyzing terror, or blind panic.
Abilities and characteristics
Aarakocra’s skeletons are hollow and fragile. A bony chest plate protects their wings. Their bodies are lean, typically weighing 80 to 100 pounds. It is not uncommon for Aarakocra to fly while wearing heavy armor. However, medium armor prevents them from flying. The shield must also be smaller than a small buckler to fly, and any protection larger than that will not allow them to pass.
Additionally, the Aarakocra walks at a slightly slower pace than humans.
They have sharp eyesight, making them highly perceptive. Aarakocras can open their paws to make them function as hands. They can hold weapons on their feet while in flight, but only weapons can be thrown or held in hand, not slings or bows. The Aarakocra could use their wings to fly, but they only used their paws to grasp weapons during aerial combat. The Aarakocra avoid fighting on the ground because of their fragile bones, and they prefer aerial combat as they dive, strike, and then fly away. These dive attacks result in a more significant impact for their melee strikes.
Typically, Aarakocra utilizes javelins as weapons and weapons of defense. Their paws can hold a gun while their last rifle is held in reserve for stabbing attacks. The Aarakocra may also use their claws in combat. They may bite with their beaks but do so only rarely and only when cornered. Aarakocra tribes may also use flight lances.
Fur and feathers of the Aarakocra
Aarakocra appears like large birds from the ground, but upon descending to the ground or walking across the floor, their humanoid appearance emerges. Standing upright, Aarakocra typically reaches a height of 5 feet, and their legs taper to sharp nails. Males have brightly colored feathers of red, orange, and yellow, usually marking their tribe membership. Feathers cover their bodies and reveal their membership in a tribe. They have more subdued colors and resemble parrots or eagles with distinct tribal variations, which give them an avian appearance.
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Aarakocra Birds do what?
Aarakocra shares more than their physical characteristics with birds. Similarly, they exhibit a number of the same behaviors as birds of all kinds. As part of their daily routine, they tend to their feathers, constantly scratching away dirt and debris. When they deign to descend from the sky, they frequently land near water where they can catch fish and bathe themselves. Aarakocra uses chirps to emphasize meaning and give their speeches emphasis, much like humans do with facial expressions and gestures. People who don’t recognize the nuances of an Aarakocra’s behavior might become frustrated with them; a rhetorical threat might be misinterpreted as a jest and vice versa.
They initially find an ownership concept puzzling, even when explained. Consequently, Aarakocra, who don’t interact much with others, may seem like a nuisance by dropping from the sky to steal livestock or plunder crops. Shiny, glittering objects catch their attention. While Aarakocra tends to pluck the treasures and bring them back to their settlement to beautify them, those who spend some time living among other races can become accustomed to inhibiting those impulses. Aarakocra is frightened of confinement. To be grounded or trapped underground is a constant source of pain they cannot overcome. Even in a perched position or at rest, they appear armed, their eyes moving and bodies ready to strike.
What does Aarakocra aim to achieve?

Aarakocra is very independent and likes to spend as little time on earth as possible. They are not very interested in dealing with humans and do not spend much time on the ground. As a result, it takes a particularly exceptional circumstance for an Aarakocra to leave their tribe and become an adventurer. Aarakocra adventurers are usually drawn away from their tribes not by treasure or glory but by threats to their people, vengeance, or catastrophe.
Aarakocra has historical ties to Aaqa’s Wind Dukes, so history might entice them. The Rod of Seven Parts, forged by the Wind Dukes centuries ago to fight the Queen of Chaos’s monstrous champion, Miska the Wolf Spider, might be sought by those of exceptional character. When the rod was sunk into Miska’s blood, the chaos caused it to split and become scattered throughout the multiverse. Rehabilitation of the weapon pieces can provide both honor and esteem in the eyes of the vast and powerful weapon that can be used to fight against forces of elemental evil.
Aarakocra fought against the elemental earth, particularly the gargoyles that assist Ogrémoch. It has been said that both species battled across the Elemental Planes of Earth and Air, occasionally pushing into Earth’s Material Plane. It is possible that Aarakocra on that planet would leave their colonies to help other humanoids oppose earth cults.
Names of Aarakocra
Like most of their speech, Aarakocra names feature clicks, trills, and whistles so high that other languages find it difficult to pronounce them. A character in Aarakocra may have three to five syllables, with sounds serving as a connector. When interacting with other races, they may use nicknames they have acquired or shorten versions of their full names. An Aarakocra, either female or male, may have one of these short names; Aera, Arial, Aur, Deekek, Park, Heehk, Ikki, Kleeck, Orr, Ouss, Quaff, Quirk, Salleek, Urreek, or Zeed.
Auran, Common, and the language of the Aarakocra are all spoken. Their voices, though, are not appropriate for Common. There are certain aarakocra who solely speak Auran or Auran and Common. It is known that other aarakocra can speak their language and the language of enormous eagles.
Aarakocra uses chirps to give meaning to their speech, much to how humans employ facial expressions. However, when non-aarakocra cannot detect these signs, this might result in misunderstandings.
Clothing And Accessories
Each in its sheath, six javelins are generally carried by Aarakocra, who prefer to throw spears. Their weapons have a lot of fletching. To protect themselves when they venture outside of their territory, Aarakocra wears perforated armor, but they do not use shields. However, due to their claustrophobia, the majority detest gear in general.
Adventurers of Aarakocra
Aarakocra adventurers are extremely rare, as they do not seek treasure or glory or even any other race in general. The motivation for an Aarakocra adventurer is usually a looming threat to their people or revenge. In addition to honoring the Wind Dukes, adventurers may also be motivated by a desire to fight against Ogrémoch and other earth-elemental creatures. The misfit Aarakocra may also turn to adventure.
Adventurers are often viewed as savages by normal Aarakocra. Adventuring clerics are tolerated, but they are excluded from Aarakocra communities, making them unable to perform rites. Adventuresome Aarakocra tends to be less fearful of enclosed spaces, at least for a short period, to venture into settlements. Still, they also sleep on rooftops while their comrades remain indoors.
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